The Hobart City Council has released the review of its Dog Management Policy for public comment.
This is round two of the Council's dog management review with round one attracting over 170 submissions.
The Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc (HDWA) recommends anyone wishing to have their say do so by 4 February 2019 as:
Even if you wrote to round one of the consultation, if you wish to have input you should write to round two. The second round of consultations may generate new, unexpected feedback.
Under the Dog Act 2000, Council's are required to review their Dog Management Policies every five years. Once proclaimed the policy is in effect for five years, and is rarely amended during that period.
View the online dog management plan
The Hobart City Council emailed the HDWA on Monday 7 January 2019 to advise there were errors in their advertisement placed in The Mercury on 5 January 2019. A corrected version of this advertisement will appear in The Mercury on 13 January 2019.
The documents on Council’s website and Your Say were updated on 7 January 2019 and contain the correct information. Please refer to the documents now available which can be downloaded from the Council's website or by calling 6238 2182 or visiting the Hobart Council Centre, 16 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.
Submit your feedback by 4 February 2019 via:
· email to coh@hobartcity.com.au
· by mail c/o The General Manager GPO Box 503 Hobart 7001
· by visiting https://yoursay.hobartcity.com.au/
A further report will be prepared for consideration by the Council following consultation of the draft policy and proposed declared areas.
Initial thoughts
The City of Hobart draft dog management policy is fine but could do with some amendments.
After an initial glance, the Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc has noted:
Restricted areas - parks and beaches
The HDWA recommends off-lead times for dogs in restricted parks and beaches (ie Nutgrove) start at 6pm during daylight saving, instead of 7pm. We appreciate being able to walk dogs on-lead in many of Hobart's parks and on Nutgrove Beach on-lead during the day.

We support the Hobart City Council decision for allowing dogs to be exercised on sports fields when organised sport or activities are not being undertaken. This shared arrangement is needed in the City of Hobart where:
Public land is very limited and needs to be shared by the community
Some suburbs would have nowhere for dog off-leash exercise if it wasn't for shared arrangement on sports fields.
We recommend dog owners thank and acknowledge the Council for access to sports fields, particularly as the South Hobart Football Club is lobbying to ban dogs from South Hobart Recreation Ground (Oval) and Wellesley Park.
Girrabong Play Area, Lenah Valley
Girrabong Play Area made the news in 2018 with human poo placed in the park to try and deter dog owners.
We are awaiting advice from local dog owners about their thoughts about dogs not permitted between 7pm and 9am. Dogs are permitted off-lead in this park from 9am -7pm. The HDWA can't see why the dog off-lead times cannot be extended in this park. Lenah Valley has a number of other nearby play areas for people.
Soldiers Memorial Community Hub
The Soldiers Memorial Community Hub needs to be clarified as to where it is, and what it is. The Council is redeveloping a section of the Domain near Soldiers Memorial/Cross Roads Oval. There is no reason why this should be banned to dogs. This area could be on-lead.
Queenborough Oval and surrounds?
Clarification is required about dogs prohibited from Queenborough Oval and surrounds:
Dogs have always been banned from the main Queenborough Oval but have been permitted on Lower Queenborough Oval when sport is not being played.
Is Lower Queenborough is included in dogs being permitted on sports fields when organised sport is not being played? Or is Lower Queenborough "the surrounds of Queenborough Oval"? This is causing confusion among respondents on the Council's "Your Say".
Pipeline Track
Comments on the Council's Your Say about the dog management plan indicate clarification is required about the Pipeline Track.
How to have your say
Visit the Hobart City Council's Your say
Write to the Hobart City Council by 4 February 2019.
Town Hall, Macquarie Street GPO Box 503 Hobart, Tasmania, 7001 Australia
Email: coh@hobartcity.com.au
The Hobart Dog Walking Association welcomes new members and feedback about dog management policies in Hobart, Clarence and Glenorchy.