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Clarence, don't get landed with a bad dog policy!

Writer's picture: tanzilewis7tanzilewis7

The Hobart Dog Walking Association provided a comprehensive submission to the Clarence Dog Management Policy Review Stage Two.

We thank the HDWA committee and members, the Clarence Dog Owners Group, Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc, Kingborough Dog Walking Association and anyone else who provided submissions and input.

Our key recommendation is that there be no change whatsoever to the current 2015 Dog Management Policy, and add the proposed dog parks.

Here is a list of our recommendations.

Recommendation 1 – Dog Friendly community

  • The Clarence City Council aims to be a dog friendly municipality by planning a dog friendly community with many local dog exercise areas, meaningful walks and makes dog owners feel valued and welcomed in Clarence.

  • We are concerned there is a risk the Council will only build one small park in a few suburbs. Shared recreation, not segregation

Recommendation 2 – Schedule Declared Areas

Retain the Schedule of Declared Areas from 2015 plus:

  • Add the dog parks proposed in the 2021 Schedule of Declared Areas, except the proposed Natone Street dog park at Anzac Park, Lindisfarne.

  • Anzac Park, Lindisfarne must remain off-lead as many dog owners like the flat section at the top near the memorials, picnic tables, shelter and carpark. Many people taking dogs to Anzac Park use mobility aids. This top section of Anzac Park also doesn’t have the children’s playground.

  • Reinstate on-lead dogs allowed on the section of Bellerive Beach from First Bluff to Beach Street Access

  • Allow on-lead dogs in Bellerive Play Park (ie Apex Park) next to Blundstone Arena. This was subject to a dog ban in 2015

  • Recognise dogs need off-lead exercise areas and not all dogs are suited to fenced parks, which also have a place.

Recommendation 3 - Beaches

No changes to dog access on Clarence beaches except for at Bellerive and Seven Mile Beach.

  • The summertime restrictions of no dogs from 10am – 6pm 1 December – 1 March is the compromise.

  • Reinstate the on-lead section at Bellerive Beach from First Bluff to Beach Street Access. This was subject to a dog ban in 2015.

  • Allow dogs to be on-lead in Apex Park (known as Bellerive Play Park) next to Blundstone Arena. This will enable dog owners to walk through the park or sit in the park while watching their children in the play area.

Recommendation 4 – Seven Mile Beach

Retain the section of Seven Mile Beach between Day Use Areas 2-3 as full-time off-lead. There is plenty of beach to share:

  • Continue to also allow off-lead dog access on Day Use Area 1 (ie the section near the village) with summertime restrictions 10am – 6pm 1 December – 1 March.

Recommendation 5 – Bushland reserves

Assess each bushland reserve independently. We recommend consulting with dog owners, including those who live in the local area, by visiting each site with bushland staff or an environmental consultant to access the site’s suitability for:

  • On-lead or off-lead dog exercise, or off-lead but on-track or within two metres of the track.

  • Should some sections of bushland reserves be allocated for off-lead?

  • Should there be curfew times imposed or times when on-lead only in some bushland areas?

  • 'Create wildlife corridors so wildlife can move from different bushland areas and so bushland areas don’t become like “unviable islands” that prevent the wildlife from easily moving around to other areas when seeking food and water.

Recommendation 6 - All suburbs have off-lead areas

All suburbs need off-lead areas. Where a suburb has no off-lead area, allow access to sportsfields for off-lead exercise when organised sport is not being played.

Recommendation 7 – Tangara Trail

  • Retain the entire Tangara Trail network as off-lead, although maybe not along narrow road verges.

  • Retain Roscommon, Lauderdale as off-lead.

Recommendation 8 – Tranmere Foreshore

  • Retain the Tranmere Coastal Foreshore as off-lead, effective control (the section from Cleve Court to Bus Stop 43/213 Tranmere Road or to the public toilets).

  • Move the play equipment at Pindos Park, Tranmere Point, so it is not in the middle of the off-lead dog exercise area. Position play equipment to the side to allow community shared use.

Recommendation 9 – Stakeholder engagement

Representatives from either the Clarence Dog Owners Group (CDOGs), Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc or Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc join the Clarence City Council Tracks and Trails Committee to ensure dog walkers have a voice and are considered when planning recreational areas.

Recommendation 10 – Community education

The Clarence City Council improves education about:

  • Responsible dog ownership

  • Bushland areas, wildlife and bird conservation

The Clarence City Council improves education for non-dog-likers to stop irrational reactions to dogs by some members of the public

Recommendation 11 - communication

The Clarence City Council improves communications and stakeholder engagement practices and engages better with dog walkers.

The Clarence City Council regularly liaises with the Clarence Dog Owners Group (CDOGs) and Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc

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