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Shag Bay

Off-lead, effective control


























Coming from Lindisafarne, turn left off East Derwent Highway immediately past Geilston Bay sports fields (coming from Bowen Bridge turn right immediately before the sports fields) down Geilston Bay Road.


There is a small carpark  (3-4 marked spaces) 200 metres down near end of Geilston Bay Road at junction with Sarean Court.


Track is on left just above parking area, facing final house (No.76), near dog poo bin. The track follows Geilston Bay through trees for about 1 km before broadening out to more open fields. Keep dogs away from steep rock faces fronting the main river.


Bedlam Walls area (well marked) 2-3 km from the start of the track is strictly off limits to dogs.

Dogs are prohibited from going down into the actual Shag Bay.

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