Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc.
Chapel Street Reserve
Off-lead and fenced
Access from Chapel Street or Moore Park Drive, Glenorchy
Facilities: carpark off Chapel Street and a picnic shelter
A grass parkland with paths and water bubbler.
The Glenorchy City Council fenced Chapel Street Reserve in 2019.
Several years ago, the Hobart Dog Walking Association lobbied to keep this park in its entirety for the local community when a proposal was before the Glenorchy City Council to gift part of this park to build a temple for the exclusive use of a religious group. While we respect different religious beliefs we believe public open space should not be lost to dog walking and the community in general.
Chapel Street Reserve is in a very suburban area so the open space is valuable. We congratulate the Glenorchy City Council for fencing this park and consulting us.