Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc.
Coningham Coast Walk
Location - Coningham
Access - Coningham Road
Facilities - Nil
Freedom - On Lead
Time - 1 hour return
Extended walk available

This is a reasonably easy walk from Coningham Beach through to Legacy Beach. Dogs are allowed on lead, although they are not allowed on Coningham Beach itself. It is an undulating walk with many steps but the views are well worth while. The return walking time is about 1 hour.
The car park is 1.8 km from the start of Coningham Road - turn left at the approach to Coningham Beach. Walk along the road parallel to the beach (if with dog) or along the beach heading south. At the end of the beach at the back of some sheds there is a track which wends its way uphill. Those with dogs will see a track off the road to the left. Once on the coastal track it is in reasonable condition for single file walking although there are a number of steps to traverse.
The walk to Legacy Beach takes around 30 minutes at a leisurely pace with time to admire the scenery through the undergrowth. There are bench seats provided to allow the unfit to catch their breath. There is one steep gully to cross with many steps. The steepest part of this has a supporting rail to help with balance. After the gully, continue on the track which comes inland a short way until you come out onto an old unused road. Turn left downhill and you will arrive at Legacy Beach - a small beach completely isolated and very pleasant. Dogs are allowed in the water although they should remain on lead. A good chance for the owner to get wet feet too or to have a swim.
Return is by the same route in reverse. Total return walking time is about 1 hour, and the walk is suitable for everyone up to and including
an 83 year old using 2 hiking poles and not as fit as he used to be.
Extended walk
There is an option to continue on along the coastal track rather than go down to Legacy Beach. The walk continues further along the coast for several kilometres until arriving at an old car park . At this point you can either turn around and retrace your steps or continue through the old car park and walk back along an inland road to Coningham Beach. The road section is about 2.4 km but there should be no traffic along it and it is a pleasant walk on reasonably level ground. This information is not current - explore at your own risk.
Information current as at January 2020 except for the extended walk.