Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc.
Cornelian Bay
Cornelian Bay is in East New Town and offers a range of dog exercise options.
Cornelian Bay holds a special place in the formation of the Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc. which formed after a community protest about a proposal to make the off-lead exercise area of Cornelian Bay on-lead only. Fortunately, the off-lead dog exercise area to the left of the carpark remains for dogs to enjoy.
Here are dog walking options at Cornelian Bay.
Cornelian Bay dog off-lead exercise area
Access- Off Queens Walk
Facilities- Dog bags & bin
Freedom- Off lead
Time- 20 minutes return
To the left of the carpark is the Cornelian Bay off-lead exercise area.
This is a small but popular off lead exercise area. There is plenty of room to throw a ball on the grassed area and dogs can take a dip in the adjacent beach. A well maintained gravel path leads up a gentle slope through light bushland to Cornelian Bay Point.
From here you can enjoy extensive views over the bay, the Botanical Gardens, Government House, the Tasman Bridge and up the Derwent River. Return to the car park along the path or stroll down the narrow bitumen road past the cemetery.
Cornelian Bay Sports field
Location- Cornelian Bay
Access- Queens Walk
Facilities- Doggy bags and bin are located in the off lead exercise area at Cornelian Bay
Freedom- Off lead only when sport or recreational activities are not being undertaken
This is a large open sports ground with views over Cornelian Bay and the Derwent River. A carpark is located on Queens Walk. This area is very close to the Cornelian Bay off lead exercise area.
Two underpasses lead under Brooker Avenue to the Bell Street Sports Ground and on to Queens Walk Oval.
Cornelian Bay walking track behind the boatsheds
There is an on-lead walking track behind the boatsheds that is parallel to the Intercity Cycleway and railway line. This track is a pleasant walk through bush but it is dead end so will need to return via this track.