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Dru Point Park


  • Location - Margate

  • Access - The Esplanade, off Beach Road

  • Facilities - dog bags & bin

  • Freedom - off-lead and under effective control


The off lead exercise area at Dru Point was a proposal of the Kingborough Dog Walking Association and with the support of Kingborough Council was opened in 2005.   The adjacent wetlands are a birdlife sanctuary and the playground, tennis court, picnic and barbeque areas make this an excellent destination for family outings.


After entering the main entrance to the park off the Esplanade continue driving past the playground.  As the road passes behind the tennis courts you will notice a fence to your left, which is the perimeter of the off lead area.  You can park and enter here or continue driving past the covered barbeque areas to a larger car park at the end of the road.


This fully fenced off lead area is approximately one hectare of light bush and grassland.   It takes about 10 minutes to walk the 750 metres around the perimeter. Four gates are located on the perimeter fence and three of these have dog bins and bags.


A dog agility area is located in the south-western corner of the compound.   These facilities were funded by the Kingborough Dog Walking Association and erected by volunteer labour.   Facilities include a small bridge, tunnels and log jumps.   Another feature is the fenced picnic area, with two tables, and chairs for dogs and walkers to retreat from the action.

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