Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc.
Huon Valley Dog Walking Association
The Huon Valley Dog Walking Association Inc. was started in October 2011 by a group of dog lovers who perceived the need for improved facilities for dog walking in the Huon Valley. We are affiliated with Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc. and are represented on its Committee. Our AGM is held each October.
The main aims of the association are:
To help make available safe dog walking areas in our towns.
To have social walks on a regular basis.
To help enhance the image of dogs in general through safe practices, education and training.
To promote responsible dog ownership.
Our regular walks vary in physical demands and length. Some are on lead and some off lead but always ensuring the dogs are under control. The walks include forestry trails, beaches, riverside footpaths and visits to off lead dog parks throughout the valley. The various walks are all aimed at socialising our dogs and are well patronised and a source of fun and exercise to both dogs and their owners.
Since 2011 we have firmly established ourselves within the Huon Valley as an active and involved group.
We have developed a strong relationship with Huon Valley Council and other community groups as we work to improve conditions for dogs and their owners throughout the valley. Our members also volunteer to assist Council with animal evacuation and management in emergencies such as bushfire.
We raise funds in a variety of ways to support many worthy causes including The Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania and Brightside Animal Sanctuary.
We hold regular workshops and seminars covering dog care and behaviour which are well supported by the dog owning community.
Through our quarterly newsletter, 'Tails of the Valley', we communicate with our members and other dog owners throughout the Huon Valley.
The annual “Summer Survival Guide for Dogs” is compiled and published by us and is aimed at assisting both residents and visitors to the Huon Valley with information on local services and facilities for dogs through the holiday season.
We are particularly proud of the fact that we have been closely involved with council in obtaining grants for the fencing of dog parks in Huonville and Geeveston and raising funds for the provision of activities and seating at Huonville, Geeveston and Cygnet. These exercise areas are a valuable resource and well patronised by residents and their dogs.
In 2015, the HVDWA was a recipient of a ‘Keep Australia Beautiful – Tasmania’ Certificate of Excellence in the health and wellbeing category for our work to create exercise areas for dogs.
As we approach our tenth year of operation we continue to pursue our aims in the planning of ongoing improvements for dog walking and facilities in the Valley.
Contact us for more information and news of our forthcoming activities:
Email: huondogwalkers@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook.