Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc.
KDWA Annual General Meeting 2019
The 21st AGM of the KDWA was held on Thursday 19th September 2019 at the Kingston Library. There were 17 attendees and 10 apologies. The main business of the meeting was the election of the executive and committee for the 2019-20 year.
The following were elected:
President: Peter McIntosh
Vice President: Venie Phillips
Secretary: Maureen Robinson
Treasurer: vacant (Ailsa Richard to act until end of September)
Public Officer: Ailsa Richard
Committee members: Georgia Clark, Maggy Hunter, Sam Scarlett, Tony Walch and Bernadette Wilkins (now resigned).
Co-opted to the committee (as Newsletter Editor): Belinda Fenney-Walch
After the meeting there was a very interesting presentation by our invited speaker, Sergeant Iain Shepherd from the Tasmania Police Dog Handlers Unit, and his dog Bernie. This was followed by supper and an opportunity for members to meet the incoming committee.