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Tyndall Beach


  • Location - Kingston

  • Access - Tyndall Road or Balmoral Road

  • Facilities - dog bags & bin

  • Freedom - off-lead and under effective control


Parking is available at the bottom of Tyndall Road, which is accessed from the Channel Highway near Bonnet Hill and is also available along Balmoral Road and Osborne Esplanade at the northern end of Kingston Beach.


If entering from Balmoral Road keep your dog on lead while crossing the bridge and walk behind the boat shed and across the carpark to the dog bin, where the off lead area begins.  Access to the beach is variable due to the ever changing path of Browns River. Follow the sandy track until access is possible to the beach.  From here you can continue along the track or walk along to the northern end of the beach.


This is a very popular dog walking area.


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