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Upcoming HVDWA Walks
Our walks will re-commence in February 2025

Please note that all walks commence at 10:30am unless stated otherwise. 
Each walk takes approximately one hour.


Please bring poo bags and water for your dog(s)!   

If the weather looks inclement on walk day, please check our Facebook page orthis website.






Please note: 

At the time of publication of the walks schedule, we are subject to the Tasmanian Government’s requirements regarding participation in group gatherings:

  • physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres between people

  • hand hygiene

  • respiratory hygiene (sneeze or cough into your elbow or tissues and clean your hands after coughing or sneezing)

  • frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection.

For more information, refer to


Off lead and under control ?

Several of our walks are ‘off-lead’ but please be aware that , under the Dog Act, it is the owners responsibility to keep their dog under control  and in sight at all times. We love to see our dogs running free and playing together but sometimes there maybe a distraction or situation where your dog is not

responding to you as he/she normally would and needs to go back on the lead. You may need to put your dog on a lead if he or she:

 ·Has poor recall

· Has a habit of running off out of your sight

· Is aggressive or upsetting other dogs

· Is behaving in a way that endangers itself or others

· Any other situation where you feel that you don’t have control of your dog.

 In addition to putting a dog on lead for the behaviours outlined, it is an owners prerogative to have their dog on lead during any of the walks if they feel it is in the best interest of the dog. 


We hope this  information helps you and your dog to  have a fun and relaxing walk.

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