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South Hobart dog exercise areas at risk

The Hobart City Council (HCC) has received a number of submissions regarding the future of dogs being allowed to be exercised Council’s sportsgrounds in South Hobart. The HCC currently allows dogs to be exercised on South Hobart Recreation Ground (also known as 'The Rec' and South Hobart Oval) and Wellesley Park when organised sporting competitions are not being played.

The South Hobart Football Club has asked some candidates in the Hobart City Council elections about their stance on dogs on sportsgrounds, in particular Wellesley Park and South Hobart Oval.

According to Alderman Damon Thomas “there is considerable support within Management for a total ban on dog walking in the ground but more is being researched before the matter comes before Council”. (South Hobart Football Club Facebook)

South Hobart has very few off-lead exercise areas for the suburb’s 577 registered dogs. Dog bans at Wellesley Park and South Hobart Oval could also set a precedent for banning dogs from other sportsfields in the Hobart municipality. Sportsfields are often the only off-lead exercise areas in some Hobart suburbs. (ie Mt Nelson; Clare Street Oval, New Town).

What to do

  • Write to the Hobart City Council and Aldermen and also respond in writing when the HCC’s Hobart Dog Management Strategy review round two is released for public comment. That will be soon.

  • Join the Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc

  • The Hobart Dog Walking Association has been lobbying for dog exercise areas in Hobart, Clarence and Glenorchy since 2006. Dog walkers must stay informed, share information and take action. The more on our mailing list, the better.

  • Email us:

  • Follow us on Facebook.

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